Battery Park at dawn
Here are some pictures I took yesterday and today in Battery Park, featuring Ilsa the wonder dog.

Tuesday morning: Knee-deep snow and a frigid temperature shortened our daily romp. I did, however, manage to snap this photo of Castle Clinton, so named in 1817 for then Governor DeWitt Clinton.

Wednesday morning: Already a considerable amount of snow has melted. The barely visible blue lettering to the left marks the entrance to the Staten Island Ferry terminal.

Here's Ilsa, posing for her profile. That's New York Harbor in the background.

You've always wondered about that "wonder dog" appellation? Check out those ears, looking like angel's wings ready for takeoff. Now you know.

Here's Ilsa romping along the riverwalk. Behind her a water taxi shuttles Wall Streeters to work.

Fritz Koenig's "The Sphere," or what's left of it. This metallic sculpture originally stood in Austin Tobin Plaza, between the World Trade Center towers. About 6 months after 9/11, the damaged piece was moved to Battery Park, where it was unveiled, along with an "eternal flame," in memory of that tragic day. The blue fence behind it recently went up to wall off the ongoing expansion of the Bowling Green subway station.
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